Saturday, September 22, 2007

Alicia Silverstone launches PETA campaign.... naked

The following is a new ad by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) trying to encourage people to become vegetarians. You have to hand it to them really, find a celebrity member who is attractive, say Alicia Silverstone, get her to strip off, film her, and hope that convinces people to eat more chickpeas and soya.

Nope, didn't convince me either. Enjoyed watching it greatly though. Now, if only PETA could get Liv Tyler in there at the same time?

Note: PETA are mental. They don't seem to be quite so mental in the UK (yet).


Mr Eugenides said...

Now, if only PETA could get Liv Tyler in there at the same time?

From your mouth to God's ears, Dizzy...

Shug Niggurath said...

I've never quite gotten over the PETA parody site 'People Eating Tasty Animals' still have a wee chuckle every time I see somthing about PETA;

Weren't they the ones who had a spokesman say he'd rather save a smart dog from drowning than a dumb child?

Croydonian said...

Then again, Liv's career isn't in the tank, is it?

Anonymous said...

Disappointing, totally-veggie, video. No 'meat' in it at all... :-)

JuliaM said...

"Weren't they the ones who had a spokesman say he'd rather save a smart dog from drowning than a dumb child?"

Perhaps the PCSO 'service' ought to try recruiting PETA members then...? At least then they might get their feet wet for something...