Thursday, September 27, 2007

Would you defect to be a spy?

What with all this further talk of Tory defections to Brown I got wondering last night about whether anyone has ever 'defected', but really been a sleeper agent for the side they left with a handler and all that jazz?

It seems to me that if you were willing to do it you'd have to accept losing friends and the lik, but let's say you were old, were planning to step down, and no longer happy with life on the back benches. Power, especially secret power, is a strong aphrodisiac aftert all.

The idea of being a spy, and a double agent at that, would surely be appealing in the twilight of a political career wouldn't it? Would you do it?


Praguetory said...

I'd do it and they are taking all-comers.

Sometimes I wish I'd set up a leftie website as a sleeper. I note that apart from bashing Tories you don't really have to stand for anything so I'm sure it could be done.

kinglear said...

I think the problem is that once you turn publicly, are you trusted by either side? It's different if you're undercover.
I would certainly do it if I was a real spy if I got caught - remember all those Nazi's turned in WW2?

Anonymous said...

I'd do it! I reckon it'd only be a matter of days before I poisoned their tea though!!! ;)
