Wednesday, December 15, 2010

David Morris MP: "arggghhh I might lose my seat!"

Interesting Early Day Motion tabled by David Morris, the Tory MP for Morecambe and Lunesdale.
That this House notes that a number of constituencies and council wards have large but transient student populations; further notes that these students are entitled to register to vote at either their term-time address or their permanent address; believes that this short-term population can often outvote the permanently settled communities; further believes that it is unfair for a community to be outvoted in this way and resolves that students with both permanent and term-time addresses should be required to vote at their permanent address.
Absolutely nothing to do with the fact his majority is 866 in a constituency with wards in the City of Lancaster, and area which also happens to encompass Lancaster University with an undergraduate population of around 14,000 you understand.

Absolutely NOT!

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