Monday, December 06, 2010

When is a bribe not a bribe? When it's a "woo"?

How funny, on the one hand, the Sun is complaining that the Russians winning the 2018 World Cup was a an outrageous "stitch-up" and then on the other hand, and same day, has a story that says,
ANGRY Boris Johnson has taken revenge on the FIFA fatcats who wrecked our 2018 World Cup dream - by scrapping a luxurious hotel freebie [during the Olympics]..... The Dorchester offer was intended to woo FIFA chiefs ahead of Thursday's vote in Zurich on who would get the 2018 World Cup.
Errrr "woo"? I think what you mean is "bribe". Shouldn't we stop the moral indignation and just accept the fact that we were too tight with our "wooing"?

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